Reinforcement Learning [Answers]
In ML, Apr 12, 2019Be org, ultimate todo list
In productivity, org-mode, Apr 06, 2019All Stories
Reinforcement Learning
I am composing a list of questions that can help me refresh my RL knowledge as I study.
In ML, Apr 12, 2019Book Review, Excerpts of 'Warped Passages - Unraveling The Mysteries of The Universe's Hidden Dimensions'
James Clerk Maxwell, for example, who developed the classical theory of electricity and magnetism, didn’t believe in the existence of fundamental units of cahrge such as electrons. ...
In reading, Apr 06, 2019Be org, ultimate todo list
I’ve spent lots of time searching for the ultimate todo list app, and even attempted to implement my own version. However, I found myself getting back to pencil and paper in the end. ...
In productivity, org-mode, Apr 06, 2019Welcome to my blog!
Hi! Welcome to my blog!Trying to modify this using Working Copy on iOS! The webIDE is also useful :)def python(): return True
In Mar 23, 2019